Sunday, March 29, 2020

Bot-a-rang better upside down?

Check out this cool 30-pounder match between our Bot-a-rang and a pneumatic flipper. The only time Will really gets the sparks to fly with our weapon, is when Bot-a-rang is upside down.

And here's Bot-a-rang vs Magneato, a flywheel flipper. Same observation?

Friday, March 27, 2020

New Lifter Arm!

Hi Everyone, check out the new lifter arm we received from Big Blue Saw. They water-cut the arm (but I drilled the smaller holes myself).

Monday, March 23, 2020

Remembering our First Battle Bot Competition - 2016

Just reminiscing about our very first battlebots competition. It was NERC at the Franklin Institute in October 2016. Man, that seems so long ago. It was a pretty bad showing for our team; we showed up with toys, basically, and got whupped pretty quick. Our advice to newcomers: learn from every experience and never give up!

Here's what we brought to the fight; just some robot kits with tie-plates from Home Depot. 

Will was just 8 years old, but drove both of our bots.

We toured some of Philly's attractions while we were there.